Tuesday, May 8, 2007

O’gray Import & Export v. British Airways (U.S.D.C. Md.)(Not Approved for Publication)

Filed May 4, 2007--Opinion by Judge Richard D. Bennet

In an action by O’gray Import & Export against British Airways, PLC for damages due to British Airways’s delivery of spoiled cargo, the court granted a defense motion for summary judgment. According to the facts found by the Court, O’gray Import & Export hired British Airways to transport smoked fish from Accra, Ghana to Baltimore-Washington International Airport. The cargo arrived more than five days after the expected date and was delivered to the wrong shipper. When the FDA inspected the fish it was released to O’gray but placed on a hold because there was evidence of mold. Eventually the FDA found that the fish was not edible for sale to the public and denied entry of the shipment.

The Court determined that O’gray had failed to comply with the notice requirements of the Warsaw Convention, which governed the transportation at issue, and therefore its claim against British Airways was barred. On that basis the court granted the Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment.

The full opinion is available in PDF.

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